Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Thursday in Dubrovnik 061208

The photo of Vincent and Annette is posed; can you tell? We were on our way TO work this morning, not coming home. I cannot begin to tell you how well we all get along. We talk and laugh all the way in. Usually we do not

come home together. We get out of class at 6:00 and then edit so Jackie can have the notes in the morning. Vincent works late on his preparation and on a manuscript he is reviewing.

Late last night, or rather very early this morning, I woke up to what sounded like a radio turned on very loud in the next room. It was a huge yacht in the water right down the hill from our apartment BLARING dance music. I could not believe it. It went on and on. When I closed my window, it muffled it enough so I went back to sleep. Annette and Vince and I all complained very heartily to each other this morning over coffee that "There ought to be a law!" We are so American!

Our classes continue to be so interesting. The environment professor, Stasa, is so knowledgeable about global warming that it does not leave you with any doubt that our planet is doomed unless we get our butts in gear. He seems to carry the weight of the whole situation on his shoulders.

Did we tell you that our art professor has been very involved in restoring the old city? She will be taking us on at least two tours of the monuments and churches during our stay here. By 6:00 in the evening, when class ends, the kids are pretty sleepy. Yesterday after class, however, they all (except Jackie who did not want to go) climbed a mountain that overlooks the city to tour a ruined fort. They had a great time. They are a fun bunch of kids for sure.

We had a great supper last night in a little cafe that overlooks the square in the old city. Annette is very uneasy around the pigeons (especially after the pooping incident), but was a brave little soldier and enjoyed her meal. We had some beautiful salads; chicken and tuna. Great bread here - we really try to hold back and limit ourselves to one piece per meal. We look at menus everywhere because we are ordering from the right side - the price side. The cafes all have people out in the main walking area shoving menus in your face to get you to visit their restaurant, offering 10% off, free wine, etc. We are being very thrifty in our choices.

Take care, thanks again for your support. A & C


AT said...

What a beautiful city! Love the kitty picture ;)

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful sight. Cathy, Croatia looks wonderful on you! Annette do you think you may need an enforcer to shew away the pigeons for you because I am available?

By the way I think that with all that walking and climbing of the steps you have earned the right to eat a little bread and drink wine. Well ok, maybe just drink more wine ;) (tee hee)

Love ya's
Kathy P.

Nicki T said...

Dear Cathy & Annette - it is SO beautiful there - you are SO lucky! Of course (wink, wink) it's beautiful here right now, too!

Annette - you could make a fashion statement and carry a parasol to solve the pigeon problem!

Cathy - gotta find a cat everywhere you go, huh? Me, too!! ;-)


jackie said...

hi ladies - wow - this is so cool! thanks for all your interesting notes and pictures. it's so fun to read about your adventures!

take care and enjoy :)

PatT said...

Hi Cathy and Annette,
I love reading about your adventures. The story of the toilet brought memories back to me and my mom. They had the same thing in Italy!
Keep enjoying!