Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sunday June 7

Today was beautiful again. Annette and I sat on our terrace and had coffee, watching the boats ferrying passengers from the cruise ships to the waterfront. The sun came over the mountain and slowly passed over the Old Town. It was like watching a movie.

We walked dooooooooooooooooooooooooooown the steps to Old Town to a restaurant called Sesame where we had cappucinos with Dr. Destler and his wife, the students and staff. Afterwards, we toured the school which is one building with four floors. There is a small library, some computer labs, offices and classrooms all in one building!

Lunch was next, back at Sesame. We began with either fish or brocolli soup (brocolli soup was delicious), then either chicken with broiled vegetables or fish with Swiss chard and for dessert, Marscapone cheese with strawberries. The dean of the school kept everyone supplied with either red or white wine.

We are in the school again now. The students are all discussing whether they will go swimming or shopping. Our student Jackie is glad that we are here to depend on, but is determined to work on her interpersonal skills. The other kids are great and are doing their best to understand and work with her limitations.

We are heading out now to face our steps. Did we tell you that we named the first 200 steps Lower Hell, the next 170 steps Upper Hell and the 58 steps to our apartment Personal Hell; LH, UH and PH for short. We nearly expired last night.

There are many feral cats in Dubrovnik and we hear them yowl at night. The kittens are cute, but look unwell.

All for now. Be sure to email us or comment on the blog. We miss you guys. Oh - Stephanie, Dr. Destler was leaving here for Dubai today to check out that campus! Remember we talked about maybe next year a student would need us there?

Take care and we will see you soon.


Unknown said...

feral kitties!!

sharonvdz said...

I especially like the part about the lower hell, upper hell and personal hell. I'm sure just joking about which part you are in as you go keeps your sense of humor up when the steps seem endless :)